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  • Being the backbone of our organization and lending vitality to out eneavours. Our team is judicious blend of skilled and qualified personnel. The host of professionals that we have appointed are experienced in their field and work in a harmonious manner to accomplish unblemished quality in our range. The members of our team includes engineers, technical experts, research and development professionals quality controllers, sales and marketing professionals and skilled workforce who work in tandem with each other to deliver optimum quality in our range.

    Our entire team is headed under the superior mentorship of the following key professionals.

    • H. G. Chalke - Managing Director
    • Suraj Chalke - Director
    • Mrs. Manisha Bhatt - General Manager
    • Ankush Chalke - Sales Co-ordinator
    • Mayur Chalke - Producti

    Our engineers and technicians comprehend are well aware of the functional properties of our range and thus ensure speedy and accurate fabrication of instruments. Owing to the meticulous efforts of our researchers we are able to keep ourselves abreast of the latest happening in the industry and keep changing the design as per the requirement of clients. A keen eye of our quality controllers helps us in integrating world class quality in our range


Happy Clients and lots more year ahead will be added.


Projects of unsurpassed products and services to the clients.


Support To embrace new technologies and methods.


Hard Workers provide high quality service to customers.

Acrylic Body Inclined Tube Manometer * Acrylic Body Single Limb Manometer * Acrylic Body U Tube Manometer * Air Flow Meters * Air Velocity Measuring Kit * Bi Color Type Magnetic Level Indicator * Bi Colour Type Magnetic Level Indicator * Bi Metallic Temperature Gauge * Bimetallic Thermometer For Mechanical Engineering * By Pass Type Rotameter * Cable Float Level Switch * Capacitance Type Level Transmitter * Capsule Type Magnetic Level Indicator * Conductivity Type Level Switch * Dial Thermometers * Diaphragm Sealed Pressure Gauges * Digi Dial Temprature Indicator Controller * Digital Pressure Calibrator * Digital Pressure Gauge * Digital Pressure Gauge And Controller * Digital Pressure Gauge Controller * Displacer Type Level Switch * Electromagnetic Flowmeter * Flameproof Flow Switch * Flange Tape Type * Float And Board Type Level Indicator * Float Operator Level Transmitters * Flow Measuring Instruments * Flow Meters * Flow Meters For Air Gas * Flow Switch For Fire Sprinkler System * Flow Switch With Flameproof Enclosure * Gas Flow Meters * Glass Tube Type Purge Rotameter * Glass Tube Type Rotameter * Hydrostatic Level Transmitter * Inclined Tube Manometer * Inlined Tube Meno Meters * Level Indicators * Magnetic Float Operated Level Switches * Magnetic Level Indicator * Mano Meters * Mercury Barometer * Mercury Barometer For Electrical Industry * Metal Tube Rotameter * Metal Tube Rotameter With Switching Alarm * Metal Tube Rotameter With Transmitting Output * Orifice Flange Assembly * Other Products * Pressure Gauge * Pressure Gauges * Pressure Measuring Instruments * Pressure Switches * Purge Rotameter * Purge Type Tank Level Indicator * R. T. D Sensor And Thermocouples * Reflex Level Guage * Resistance Thermometer * Sglyserine Filled Pressure Gauge * Side Mounted Magnetic Level Switch * Sight Flow Indicator * Single Limb Absolute Pressure Mercury Filled Manometer * Single Limb Mano Meters * Single Limb Well Type Direct Reading Manometer * Temperature Measuring Instruments * Thermowells * Threaded Mounted Thermowell * Tubular Liquid Level Indicator * Turbine Flowmeter * U Tube Absolute Pressure Mercury Filled Manometer * U Tube Manometer * U Tube Meno Meters * Metal Tube Rotameter (Anologue Type) * Low Range * High Range * Rota Meters * Metal Tube Rota Meters * Glass Tube Rota Meters * Flange Tape Type Rota Meters * By Pass Rota Meters * Refrigeration Equipment * Thermal Heat Transfer Equipment * Acrylic Body Rotameters * Acrylic Flow Rotameter * Fitzer Mercury Barometer * Level Transmitter * Digital Metal Tube Rotameters * Rotameter * Flange Tape Type By Pass Rotameter * Weatherproof Flow Switch * Single Limb Manometer * Manometer * Tube Rotameter * Bimetallic Thermometer F * Level Switches * Pressure Indicators * Diaphragm Gauges * Commercial Pressure Gauges * Syphon Gauges
